Grbl Controller questions & answers

Automatically send GCode codes to the CNC machines
Answer by Akash Shah

No, the Grbl Controller software itself cannot pull a picture off of Google. The software is primarily used for controlling CNC machines and interpreting G-code instructions. You would need to use other tools or software to convert an image into G-code that can be processed by the Grbl Controller for CNC machining.

Question by Mikepb
July 23, 2021

Can I reverse the x axis with this software? This is useful in making PCB's

Answer by WD

Yes. Go to Tools => Properties => Axis, check the box you want to invert.

Question by Chris Corey
November 3, 2020
Answer by Ashish Bajaj

The issue mentioned in the question seems to indicate a problem with receiving data from the COM port while using the "Grbl Controller 3.5.1" software for Windows. The expected response should be the Grbl version string. Further troubleshooting and investigation would be required to determine the exact cause and solution for this issue.

Question by Shorty Looper
November 26, 2016

I'm new to Grbl Controller and trying to learn how to use it. I have a very small CND hobbie machine. Is there some program that you can use with Grbl to play around and learn how to use it?

Answer by Alex Urbach

The software can't be used in demo mode. I've visited the official website and read about it, but there was nothing mentioned about demo mode which means that you can't use the application virtually without the proper machine attached to a PC port.

You can read more about it on the following page:

There is also a manual on the page. Click it and make sure that you have a PDF reader installed on your PC.

Question by Johan
May 8, 2018

I'm using Aspire 8.0 for my designs, if this will help resolve my problem.

Answer by Robert Polubinski

You need to open a post with this problem on the GitHub project page in the Issues section. An account is necessary though.

Access the following link to reach the Issues section directly.

I am recommending this because of the lack of support for Grbl Controller.

Question by steve
April 23, 2018

So I am a complete novice, I bought a tiny Chinese CNC machine with the aim of learning the basics. But there is a giant learning curve, especially since there were no operating instructions. Can anyone direct me to a basic explanation and instruction on which files to download, how to get started with the basic software setup and basic use instructions. I would be infinitely grateful. I am using Windows 10. Thanks!

Answer by Robert Polubinski

Since there are no official instructions on the Wiki page at the project site hosted on on Github, I strongly recommend opening a topic on the same website. Register for an account on the Github and then post in the Issues section on the project page.

This is the only way to obtain instructions about the way Grbl Controller works.

Question by Guest
December 11, 2015
Answer by Sean Hill

The download link is corrupted and leads to a forbidden page. This happens because of download filters or errors. However, you can use the instructions posted on the previous question to learn how to download the latest version of the software.

I have tested and it works normally without errors:

Question by pervez
October 19, 2015

I have a CNC board which is connected to my PC through USB port, but the software does not activate it. I am running Windows 10. I am able to connect this with GRBL controller software.

Answer by Robert Polubinski

That happens because the drivers weren't installed properly. To do this, reboot the PC via Windows + X > System > Update and Recovery > Recovery > Restart. Choose Startup > Troubleshoot Startup > Restart. After it restarts, press 7 to disable the Driver Enforcement and then boot normally to Windows. Once you are in Windows, install the drivers and accept the warnings. Reboot again and the device will work normally.

Question by yhloh
August 12, 2016

How to set zero using touch probe for Z axis?

Answer by Sean Hill

If you check the link posted below, you will see that in the image on that website, there is a button called Zero Position. The developer also states in the description of its functions that Zero Position can be achieved using that button.

To find additional information, use the link: rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">

Just read the descriptions on the page, scroll to the end of the article to read about the zero position as well.

Question by Guest
December 11, 2015

I receive the error message:
"403 Forbidden
Code: AllAccessDisabled"

I am running Windows 7 with Administrator privileges. How to download GRBL Controller 3.6.1?

Answer by Sean Hill

Indeed, the link on their official website is not working anymore. I have tried to access it in different ways, but it was impossible. However, you can download the attachment from the GitHUB website which is in TXT format. Save the file on your computer, then change its extension to ZIP and extract it. I have done as instructed on the page, and it worked normally.

Download page:

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